So I have been meaning to get a blog going again for some time now, but being the expert procrastinator that I am, it can take me a while to get my hips in gear.
The main reason I was at a loss as to where to begin is I wasn't sure that:
a) I have anything particularly interesting to say
b) Anyone would really be interested anyway
c) I would have the drive to - once started - keep the blog going
d) All of the above
That said, here I go. What in the world will I find to write about? Well, seeing as I am a belly dancer and this is going to primarily be about my experiences, I will most likely be writing about dance, dancers, classes, workshops and performances. If you're lucky, I will also share photos, videos and notes on my quest for new music to dance to and the joys (insert eye roll here) of creating choreography and working on my improv skills.
So for now, here it is. In all it's glory. Waiting for divine inspiration and brilliance.
For 2014 - aside from my quest for a new job so I can continue to pay for my creative addiction (most belly dancers will admit that it's not about wanting to dance, it's about having to dance) - I am hoping to do more solo work, improve my base technique, learn some new and funky technique from the plethora of great instructors out there, and get nice and comfy with my props, particularly zills, veil and fan veils.
So without further ado, here I am. Let's see where this journey leads me...
So looking forward to your future posts!!! :D