Saturday, 18 January 2014

Dance and Life Goals for 2014

I think it's important as a dance artist - and in life in general - to always set new goals. It helps give me something specific to work towards and keeps me from getting into the feeling that's it's all just "routine." Every year I try to set at least three goals for myself for dance and three for the other side of my life. Some years are easier than others either because I've seen something that makes my brain scream "I wanna learn how to do that!!!!" like when I first saw double cane being performed or just circumstances dictating such as right now being out of work and needing to find a new job.

I also like to write my goals down. The act of putting pen to paper (or in this case fingers to keyboard) solidifies the goals and sets intention to actually complete them. I also like to share my goals with people so that I have that added little pressure of knowing folks are going to be checking in to see if I've achieved what I've set out to do and in some cases keep up a bit of social pressure to make sure I do the work needed to achieve what I've set out to do!

So here we go - dance goals first - this year I will:

1. Perform a piece with zills and perform a piece with fan veils. I have always loved zills and am now loving fan veils so it's about time to bite the bullet as it were and stop being petrified of new props! My first step will be to take some workshops that focus on these two props and make sure I practice the technique. Ironically I have songs already picked out that I want to use (does anyone else do that? Listening randomly to music and something just screams out "I MUST DANCE TO THIS AND IT MUST BE WITH <insert prop here>!!"). Anyone else looking out for upcoming prop workshops, Roula Said has two more zill workshops in her winter series February 2 and March 2, and the lovely Ruyah is doing a fan veil workshop at Dragonfly on February 15.

2. Improvise more. I tend to get paranoid when I am performing - particularly when it's a performance in front of other dancers - and choreograph the hell out of a piece of music, kicking myself in the butt when I miss part of the choreography. I also tend to get so focused on what steps I'm supposed to be doing I miss out on actually just dancing and enjoying myself. I dance and I perform because I love the whole experience, time to kick it up a notch!

3. Maintain this blog. That may seem outside of an actual dance goal but in my other life I am a writer and I think it's time the two worlds meet. I did write a couple of articles for Mid Bits when it was around, but I think writing this blog that is focused on dance will keep me focused and help me reach my other goals. My aim is a minimum one post a week.

Other life goals for 2014:

1. I will find a new job that is perfectly suited to my skills with great people and a healthy environment.

2. I will continue to lose the weight I put on this summer after my knee surgery by continuing to work out hard and regularly as well as keeping up dance classes and practicing.

3. I will get out and socialize more. Personal issues have made me something of a hermit the past couple of years.

I think that covers it! Anyone who has goals for 2014 - dance or otherwise - feel free to comment and share!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the socialization thing. Kids have caused me to be a hermit for a long time. Hard to get back out there.
